The lunatic is on the grass

Written on 09:28 by Constantin Manoliu aka Huck

De citeva zile imi tot rasuna in cap ritmul si versurile acestei piese de la Pink Floyd - Brain Damage

The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbiddings too
Ill see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but its not me.

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
Ill see you on the dark side of the moon

De multe ori in decursul timpului , Pink ,a fost pentru mine, un fel de firewall impotriva multor situatii ce implica 'a brain damage'.
Situatii ce le pot caracteriza ca acele momente in care ceva din sistemul meu de protectie sesizeaza schimbari masive comportamentale la cei din jur ce imi pot creea disconfort mental urmat de cel fizic.
Oare ce o fi?
For sure , citeva defazari le-am simtit sigur.Probabil si ceva intoarceri de situatii cu 180 de grade intimplate ma atentioneaza sa fiu in alerta.
Dezamagirile curente de lipsa reactiilor adecvate la situatii asteptate, creeaza un santaj emotional din ce in ce mai cotidian.
De aici si probabil aceste schimbari sesizabile.Ceva merge prost.
Ar trebui totusi sa fac eforturi sa incep ciorna de schita/nuvela/roman sau ce o iesi,al carui titlu zace de multa vreme intre neuroni.
The world behind the eyes.Uneori am senzatia ca engleza da mai multa culoare la ceea ce vreau sa zugravesc in cuvinte.
By the way,titlul articolului ar suna perfect pentru un mix;ar trebui sa il concep repede sa nu pierd starea mentala propice.

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